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Bringing Your Indoor Plants Back Inside This Fall

If you live in a seasonal area you might bring your plants outside during the Spring and Summer months. Indoor plants really love it but once those Fall night temperatures start to drop below 50, it’s time to start bringing your plants back in. 
Living in CT, I usually make a plan to bring mine inside by around the 2nd week in October. Prepping for this move starts a few weeks before since you never want to just bring your plants in without a bit of love and protection first. The steps I use below have worked for me at the end of every summer so far. Check them out and take all or a few tips to help you  prep and bring your indoor plants back inside this Fall.

Week 1:

Start mapping out where your plants will go inside

Ok lets be honest, there’s a good chance you might have grabbed one or a few plants this summer. Now’s a good time to look at what plant stands you have/ or may need, additional plant hangers, shelves, etc. Take a look at your ideal spots where you can enjoy your plants and help them thrive inside. 

 Spray leaves with an insecticide

Start treating all your plant leaves with your favorite insecticide. For me it’s Arber Incesticide which is organic and doesn’t harm bees or any pollinators.

Week 2:

 Repot/Uppot any plants that need it

Before bringing them back inside it’s a great time to repot any plants that can use some fresh soil and/or uppot and plants that are outgrowing their pots. Make sure to snip off any badly damaged or dying leaves.

Clean/ wipe down pots

Spray and wipe down all your pots and make sure nothing yucky is hanging out on any of them.

 Soil soak with insecticide

This is a good time to also give the soil a good soak (preferably with an insecticide mix that will not harm the plant) Again I like to use Arber’s Insecticide and Fungicide. Doing this soak will help rid any pests that might be hanging out in your soil. Plus the fungicide helps strengthen and pre treat any root issues you might not be aware of yet.

Week 3: 

Repeat spraying leaves with insecticide soap mix

Yes, we’re spraying the leaves down again. This time I use a mix of Peppermint Castile Soap and water to wipe down and clean the leaves. Once again working to eliminate bringing any pests inside but also a great way to add some shine to your leaves. I do rinse the leaves lightly just to make sure there’s no excess soap there.
Also if you haven’t already make sure to order/buy any plant stands and grow lights needed. You’ll want to give your plants an easy transition by having sure they’re still getting the necessary light.

Moving In Day:

-Clean/dunk plant leaves with castile soap mix and/or spray with insecticide
- Repeat a soil soak with insecticide

-Clean all outdoor plant stands before bringing them back  inside. You do not want to bring in any surprises hanging out on the stands too.
Set up grow lights, arrange your plants and enjoy!



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